Hello. My name is Wardell Pearson Jr. After various requests, I decided to begin this collections of posts centered on the thoughts and topics of the everyday adult. This blog will be far from the NORM. Topics may range from the political sector and entertainment industry related issues to the everyday relationship and religious issues. The thoughts, questions, and statements revealed thru this outlet will CHALLENGE the reader. I’m no sugarcoated conservative afraid to bring out what’s beneath the surface, but neither am I the class clown who causes disruption. I am a prototype of what matters most…. a VOICE.
There are many personal issues that we all face that we wish we could put out there in the open and also various statements that we all wish to be examine. The PURPOSE of this is to show that sometimes being politically correct is not the safe way, but the worst way. The point of this is not to get you to change your way of thinking, but it is to get you to view questions, statements and situation and see how they RELATE to YOU.
I plan to challenge you couples, singles, professionals, students, males, females, parents, conservatives, liberals, and all that fall between the lines. The content may be a little EDGY at times so it may call for some intellectual kung fu. The whole point is to get you the reader to LOOK BEYOND your current status or position and just be YOU. I do hope you will be entertained and compelled to contribute your comments and thoughts. I thank you
- Truth Spoken
Showing some love... I really like the name. The Name says it all: "Truth Spoken" ~ if it's not the Truth, it will not last. Every lie has its day.
ReplyDeleteJohn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.